среда, 24 февраля 2010 г.

Darkened Liza and her light.

I used to dislike impulse.
Now I got attached to it. Sticky bugger.

среда, 3 февраля 2010 г.

20 thousand pounds. in 2 years.

god help me!

вторник, 2 февраля 2010 г.

generating art from science

beauty sometimes has scientific context.
investigation in science expands on art.

I've visited nano tech exibition and saw that strange substance. liquid which surface through vibration created strange cone- shaped spikes.
Recently I've found out that this substance is called Ferrofluid and it has amazingly beautiful grid. Its movement cannot be preconcieved although it has one of the most geometrically harmoneous structures I've ever seen.
spontaneous harmony.
feels like all molecules have just decided to put some cool clothes on so we can observe them dancing.

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